Massene på Andrassy | ||||
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Inger Dagny Saanum kom inn til 5. Plass, på god tid 3.08.08. Knappe 3 sekunder bak 4. plass. Hun hold godt følge med Kristian Kleppan, som ble beste Nordmann på 03:05:22 Så fulgte Terje Johansen på 03:22:03. De tre Mandalsløpererne ble supplert av Karl Andreas Frølich som fullførte på 05:01:46, og har adresse Budapest. Link til norske resultater gjennom flere år. | ||||
22nd Plus Budapest International Marathon 30 September 2007 RACE REPORT 30 September 2007 was the date of the 22nd Plus Budapest International Marathon. On this day Budapest turned into a sanctuary of running. Overall on all the different distances (7 individual distances and 2 relays) organised there were 13 600 runners on the streets of Budapest. On the classical distance of 42,195 K there were more than 3000 individual runners and almost half of them were foreigners. Also a uniquely new distance of 30 K was also organised this year where almost 500 runners joined the marathoners at the 12,195th kilometre of the race to finish it together. The organisers of the race did not invite foreign elite runners, the Budapest Marathon this year; the two winners of 2006 won the race also in 2007. The 42 kilometres passed by the most beautiful parts of Budapest, among them the Andrassy Street and the Buda Castle which are parts of the World Heritage. There were 35 music stations along the course to cheer the runners and help them achieve their desired time objective. The eldest Hungarian runner was 80 years old and ran a new Hungarian record in his category, finishing in 4:40. Overall this year 1600 foreign runners came to Budapest from 40 different countries; the most runners came from France and Finland, followed by runners from the UK, German, Italy and the USA. | ||||
Parlamentet i bakgrunnen | ||||
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Heroes Square | ||||
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Elisabeth Bridge | ||||
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Hjemmeside |
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